Originally posted by Ustwo
Clark does not equal Gore in any measure. Clark was the Clintonistas attempt to muddy the waters and try to draw some energy from Dean, but its not working. He is really a joke of a canidate as a democrat. Its not like he had a shift of policy over the years and swiched parties, he took the one that offered him a chance at political power and that was the democrats, had the republicans done the same, he would still be one.
I can understand why some democrats are desperate for Clark to do well, since he doesn't share the weakness on national security that the rest have (except for Liberman) but its not going to happen. Clark really isn't that smart.
It worked for Eisenhower, why not for Clark
He is not a stupid man, he is just a newbie campaigner. And presidential campaigning isn't exactly a good place to lose your cherry. But you do not become first in your class at West Point, etc etc without having a very sharp, quick mind. He'll pick up.