Originally posted by phredgreen
the ladies have their own forum because we care that much about our ladies that we're willing to concede to them their own special place where they don't need to worry about dumbassed guys making meatheaded comments to/at/about them.
it's that simple.
Are you sure "concede" is the word you meant to use?
con·cede ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-sd)
v. con·ced·ed, con·ced·ing, con·cedes
v. tr.
To acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper; admit. See Synonyms at acknowledge.
To yield or grant (a privilege or right, for example).
I think that word makes it sound like the men at TFP granted the women a favor by adding the LL...I can't imagine that's the word you meant (you're pretty slick with da ladies