Everybody says (not everyone here just folks in general) that they've got that "emergency cellphone." I find more often than not, it's the same cell phone they
urgently call home to find out if they need to bring anything home for dinner or when they
desperately have to fight about some trivial something with their significant other or when it's a
matter of life and death to get a hold of the pizza guy for delivery.
That being said, is it really that hard to block these people out? I spend a majority of my day blocking out people I don't want to hear, odd noises, and random cries for help from down the hall. Is it really that big a hassle to adjust the ignore bubble to the idiot in the coffeeshop who's conducting "important business" while buying a crawler?
I think they're should be jam zones in libraries, bookstores, theaters, hospitals, and such. Maybe like Krwlz mentioned, one for the car that's activated when the car shifts from "park." But as long as it's public space, what is the problem?
After all I'm sure there's
something you do in public that annoys the piss out out of
someone. They just don't have a jammer for it, yet.