unfortunatly, you do not have the right to not get annoyed by other people. if you don't like that people talk on their cells in public, too bad, it's public space, go somewhere else. there is no difference between someone talking on a cell and someone talking to a friend in person.
people pay for their cell service so for you to jam them would to be depriving them of their service. i'm sure that it would be very litigatable. i would just hope that most people would know when it is and isn't appropriate to use them (although many unfortunatly don't) and that they don't have to shout when talking on them. if can't talk in a normal or quieter than normal voice to someone on the cell, then you probably shouldn't be using it in public.
i'm glad someone above mentioned that a driver who gets their call cut off would spend more time and get more distracted trying to figure out what the hell happened then start paying more attention. as it is, i read a study that said that people who talk on cell phones in their cars are more likely to cause/be in an accident then people who never cellphones while driving. the funny thing is though, the study said it's true whether or not the cell user is using it at the time doesn't make a difference. appearantly, people who use their cells in the car are more likely to be distracted drivers, so if they aren't on the cell, their mind is gonna be focusing on other non-driving things (radio, billboards, etc.)
worse than cells in teh car though, are dvd players. i live in an upper middle class area, and i've seen, during dark hours, little screens flickering from the inside of suv's a couple dozen times now. and not all of them were backseat-for-the-kids types. now that's something that has to be really cracked down on...