170 pounds for knowing that i will have safe drivers around me... excellent. I would love to find that mom thats all over the road cause shes doing her makeup and talking to her girlfreind at the same time....while driving. Those people really piss me off, and nothing would please me more than cutting of their signal and make them pay attention to the road. Seems to be a tough concept these days...pay attention to what your doing.
Personally, i dont think cell phones should be allowed to place a call while in the car. For the most part, i dont think they should be allowed to recieve them either...but there are emergencies. Anyway, kinda got off topic, but i would LOVE this gadget on teh road. I shouldn't be put at risk because someone else isn't watching what they are doing. This can make them stop yackin and start driving.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.