Originally posted by G_Lock
................ I truly believe that all 3 of those teams deserve to be in the national title game. But, obviously only 2 can. And I am sorry to say, in this case, I believe it should be based on the coaches/AP polls. And it is FLAT OUT WRONG that USC is not playing LSU in the sugar bowl, as they are the No.1 and No.2 teams. And Liquor Dealer, no matter how much you don't like it, thats what it should be. And I think it is only fitting, that *IF* OU beats LSU, and USC beats Michigan, then they will be CO-NATIONAL CHAMPIONS.
After Saturday night I couldn't agree with you more on all three being basically equal at this point. What I totally disagrree with are the polls that dropped Oklahoma to 3rd based on the same one loss that the others have. The score is irrelevant - the only factor that really counts is the difference between W and L. The BCS is BS - I don't think anyone would disagree - but, is there a more equitable way to decide? The playoffs used by other sports give more meaning to the idea of national champion but, it isn't feasible for football.
Perhaps if the regualr season was shortened some type of playoff system would be equitable but, who would decide who was in the playoffs? I think you'd end right up back with something like what we have now that everyone is unhappy with.