I had a Rethuglican in my house...
... and I really feel like I need a shower.
OK, I'm dawg tired, so I am going to make this short.
Having a republican over to dinner is OK, I guess. If I know I will venomously disagree with someone's politics and/or religion, I don't talk about it at the dinner table unless my dog is hungry enough that what's left when they bolt will make a difference. This was my mother-in-law's house guset who had just driven my three year old the 20 miles home, so I was going to try to be nice. I mentioned that I don't discuss politics or religion at the dinner table, but this Texas yammerhead is on about her lovely chuch (pentacotalist death cultist - odd people) and her job begging money for the RNC. Well, I'm sitting there chuckling, but this is endurable.
Here's what gets me: This ditz is begging $250 at a time for the rethuglicans, and has the sheer... I don't know another word for it but blatant stupidity.. to bitch about how she'll never get promoted because of the glass ceiling. I damn near got a chunk of steak in my sinus on that one. Then she kvetches about how she makes so litytle money, because only the uys at the top make anything to speak of. No? Is this the Republican party you work for? You mean it doesn't actually trickle down.
After dinner, she asked me point blank if I was with a party, so I told her I was a Democrat. She got all shiny eyed (They LIVE!!!) and started to try to start one of those genteel arguments where nothing you say actually means what you thought it did. I had a 45 minute drive ahead of me (kareoke night. I rocked.) and the detritus of a week of life plus a baby shower and some new furniture to drag to the curb for folks who actually deserve their air to haul away. So, I let her go on (with my wife desparately trying with all sorts of little artful bits of converational terrorism to keep me from laying into this bimbo), and finally said "I have got to take out the trash." and left.
I like fighting with rethuglicans. Sometimes it makes my day. But not at my goddamn dinner table.
That is all.
Edit: Well, not quite all. She was talking about how her brother or friend or fellow drone (prob'ly one of my wife's cousins) was perpared for a career in something or another because his father had him lead prayers in his church, "And in our church, we don't read from a book. It has to come from the heart." My wife, bless her, followed that with, "So you just make them up?" but that's a different thing. I actually had to leave the room to be polite, because, at the time, Michael Palin was intoning in my head, "Ooh Lord. You are so BIG. So Absolutely Huge. Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I have to tell you. And you're so, well, special..." It isn't polite to point and laugh at the retarded or cripples either. Same principle.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Last edited by Tophat665; 12-08-2003 at 09:55 PM..