I was dubbed the 3 month man because all of my relationships lasted exactly that long until my senior year in high school.
Month 1 - Im into it. Its new and exciting
Month 2 - Im past the physical and looking to understand more about the person
Month 3 - The person is boring me and I get the hell out. Usually over the phone.
After that I dated a younger woman for about a year but she was too immature. Pissed me off over the phone and I told her I was through.
Then I dated the love of my life on and off for almost 3 years and I broke up with her twice because no matter how much I loved her we were destructive together. We broke up over the phone after she moved back home.
My last girlfriend and I broke up because shes too whiny. I cant stand that. People who play the victim role in life grate on my nerves. Broke up over the phone too. I planned to break up with her in person but It was long distance and the logistics werent working out. I tried to wait for her to come down but she kept remarking about how good it was to hear me so eager to see her. I couldnt let that situation continue.
I know Nietzsche doesnt rhyme with peachy, but you sound like a pretentious prick when you correct me.
Last edited by Sho Nuff; 12-15-2003 at 07:52 AM..