I always get strange looks when i take my insulin shot. They are so confused because of the obvious preformed ideas about needles...
If a guy has his fly down, I love to tell him. It is so much fun to see their faces with that sudden realization... heheheh...
Seriously why feel hesitant about saying something, I think most people while possibly embarrassed would want to know..
Having said that I just have to tell of the one time i didnt. I was on my way from the restroom at a reststop as a guy passed me with the paper ring you place one toilet seat sticking 3/4 out of his sweat pants. I really wanted to tell him but, I could not keep a straight face long enough to say any thing.. He climbed in the car and sped off not realizing... A moment in time one just does not forget.
...We find ourselves in a struggle for our very right to exsist... We will not go quietly into the night... We will not give up without a fight...