I was just reading the thread about
camel toe and i was thinking about whether you normally let people know about these things, or is it too embarrasing?
The list includes almost anything, including:
fly undone
(un)obvious hole in pants/clothes
mouse out of house (if a guy is wearing short, shorts and no undies, and is hanging out

camel toe
some other clothing undone
clothing tucked oddly
skirt tucked in back of undies
toilet paper on shoe
or anything else which may be sort of awkward to bring up. For 2 reasons, you don't want someone else to think that you're looking there, or have seen anything, but you're also doing them a service from no more embarrasment. It's a bit of a weigh up between the 2. Do you normally tell though? what about between known ones (friends/family) or strangers? policy change at all?
myself, i will tell people i know for sure. Although strangers and others i don't know too well, i think i'd probably keep quiet? Although i guess it does depend quite a bit on a situation?
SO what do you normally do, for different situations? any good stories? or other embarrasing things that have happened?