Man what a bunch of crap. All OU had to do was win, and Texas would get their first ever bid to a BCS game. I feel bad for the seniors at Texas. They did everything right in the second half of the season, and because of a stupid rule in the BCS says that 3 teams are not allowed from one conference, that leaves Texas out. I especially feel bad for Roy Williams, who gave up going to the NFL for one more year with the Horns, and to have it end like this, SUCKS. I know this is not true, but I feel like OU LOST ON PURPOSE. They screwed Texas twice this season. First by beating us, and then by losing when they knew that we would then be out.
Also, I am sorry, but I do not think OU should go to the national title game. I know that they are a VERY good team, but going to the BCS title game without winning your conference is WRONG. I seriously hope that the BCS makes some sort of rule for next year and beyond, that says that to goto the National Title Game, you MUST be your own division champ. Also I feel really bad for USC, and I hope they give hell to the BCS folks. My best guess is that in the AP & USA/ESPN polls, USC will be NO. 1, followed by LSU at NO. 2, and then OU at NO. 3. BUT in the BCS, more than likely OU/LSU will be NO.1/NO.2 (or vice versa), and USC will be NO.3. I mean how do you like that, hey USC congratulations for winning your division, and for having only one loss, and for being NO.1 in the polls, but oh by the way, you can't compete for the National Title Game. That is screwed up. I can only hope that some how the poll voters drop OU to NO.4, behind Michigan (VERY UNLIKELY), which would most likely result in OU being NO.3 in the BCS, and out of the title game. And one last thing, stupid OU is also getting quality win points from beating Texas, who now will probably finish 5th or 6th in the BCS and NOT get a BCS Bowl Game Bid.
OK, I am done with my venting. Man that felt good to get it out. Thanks for reading