Originally posted by Zorvox
1st - I was 15, she was 17.. weird hey? We were intiment a condom decided to break, about 1 1/2 months later she just does a runner and noone hears from her at all. I loved her and she broke my heart..
2nd - Things were going good we loved one another (her saying she loved me was a pretty big thing cos of some confusion) she told me she loves me, 2 days later she says that I am treating her like crap and she isn't happy with me, so she breaks it off and won't speak to me at all, saying im not a nice person etc..
I thought I loved the first girl, but.. the 2nd relationship I was in, I just kept falling deeper and deeper in love with her, I feel like it went past love, but I don't know what it was.. it's almost killed me.. 
But during the 2nd relationship the 1st girl I was with, decides to come back and say your a father here is your daughter blah blah blah, sorry for leaving you it was the worse decision of my life... so we sorted stuff out and yeah.
Damn kid :-/ thats sad and sucks at the same time, hope you're doin better now :-D girls will always be there, just gotta find the one you always wanna be with

sounds so damn easy but in reality it's a pain in the ass ain't it?lol