Haha.. what a fucking failure htis was..apparently she has no more feelings for me .. sometimes it was yes and sometimes it was no but now its more of a no. fucking fantastic.i took it as you all said.. everything was great but now wtf. how can someone change what they feel so easily.. how do you have feelings for someone and the next day you dont.
I think i really do fall in love to easily.. damn my own feelings . All they bring me is sadness and anger.all the fucking time, this needs to stop. i guess i should grow from this experience , maybe il be more , better and higher but right now i feel like total and utter crap. everything is worthless. everything is futile. nothing can compare . Its all so dull. This couldnt have come at a better time , i hope this will not affect my finals. Heh.. motivation wasnt high already .. now its as existent as richard simons masculinity. I feel like dropping everyting but to go where.. to do what.. how..what the fuck am i supposed to do.. and now i realize i am taking this way too seriously.. how else am i supposed to take this.. and we werent even going out yet. damn my feelings. fucking humanity. Yeha , " il meet someone else" . Fuck it. goddamn ocnfusion , i dont think this alcohol helped..
She said she wasnt playing me and wants to remain friends .. wtf am i supposed to dsay. Doesnt she understand that i haveFUCKING FEELINGS. staying friends isnt going to help me get over her , if i ever do. time is slow i wonder how long i will last..But i dont htink i want to die , this is surely just a passing thing, something of the mooment. I wish i can grow from this but it seems quite obscure for now.. I think i am dead anyways,, i dont feel anyting but pain , so numb. how can i go through those days like a drone. i dont have nothing to accomplish, nothing to look for, nothing to love..
merry fucking christmas. feel free to laugh at , hate , sympathize, mock whatever the fuck you want.