Being Nice
Asked this girl out at work today if she'd like to go out sometime...walking back from our break having our usual conversation and I popped the this response:
Me: "Would you like to go out sometime?"
Her: "Normally I would, but I'm dating someone right now."
Me: "I understand, just thought I'd ask you."
Her: "Thanks (smiles)...Yeah..."//then mentions what we could talk about on the date (we are from the same city).
Me: //said agreement.
Her: "Well I'll definately keep it in mind, if this falls through."
Me: "Ok Cya Jane."
Her: "Cya."
I'm assuming she is letting me down lightly, and I'll move on, however I've never got that response b4.
We've been talking here and there at work to where it's personal, and the signs like she is interested but declined (she's never mentioned that she dating someone). Any thoughts?
Last edited by Klipsch; 12-05-2003 at 01:33 AM..