Sometimes kids who are just troublesome and hyper are diagnosed with ADHD when they aren't. It can be overdiagnosed.
Those who truely have the problem though will respond to Ritalin and other similar drugs. Ritalin is essentially a stimulant. If the child/adult isn't ADHD and just hyper he'll become more hyper when given Ritalin.
It isn't a made up problem. Sadly the overdiagnosis has caused some of the general public to view it as bogus when it isn't.
There is a very real difference in the average person and someone with ADHD - there's a chemical difference in the brain and in the way the person thinks. Just because of some people's mistakes we shouldn't laugh at all people with ADHD as being fakes. There are MANY more real cases than fakes.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.