Kyo- Paganism is a reversion to the old, earth based religions. It is a loose grouping of many old beiefs put under a blanket term of Pagan. These faiths generally accept all things in this life as necessary choices and actions, leading to a fuller understanding of personal spirituality. There is no one "God", but instead many manifestations of "that which is", The guiding energy if you will.
There can be no contradictory religious standards, if you "need" all the pieces of this puzzle we call life.There is no good or evil, no heaven or hell. There is only the opportunity inherent in experience, therefor, everything just is....we as individual souls can either learn from life, or fail to do so. As a sideline, the manipulation of energy by those skilled in these things, is considered as proof of "that which is" by many who follow the Pagan path. Some are ignorant enough to refer to this as witchcraft(read wicca) but the ability to touch this force is very real. Holistic healing and reiki are obvious examples of this manifestation of said energy, As I myself am a Reiki practitioner, I have beeen fortunate enough to experience this first hand. There is nothing like direct experience to firm up beliefs. hope this helps
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha