Um. . .
I'm not sure that I'm qualified in beginning to respond to your situation. I guess the advice that I can give is this - remember that every action that you have has a ripple effect on every person that you're involved with right now. Having multiple people that you are emotionally invested in only makes the situation more complicated. For me love is about giving - not to say that there aren't some selfish acts in loving another person - I just think that true love means selflessness and sacrifice.
If I were you I would start by spending sometime really assessing what you want out of these various relationships. When you take this time deciding what it is you exactly want, you can then make your decision clear to all the people that it affects and then just stand by those decisions. It may be quite hard for some time, but eventually things will get better -- if they don't, then maybe its time to foster some change.
sorry for the ambiguity. . .best of luck!