types of men and the general type women go for
My boyfriend and i are in the middle of a "type" discussion. HE says women want to marry etc a providertype of guy. I totally disagreed with him!
First of all I think there are generally 4 "types" of guys and those are the gay men we all wish were straight, the nerds who come extremely intelligent and either really good looking or barf ugly, the pretty boy, the ones that know they are hot shit and flaunt it every chance they get, and the provider types who range in looks from ugly to cute to hott!
Anyways i told him That society in general is too hung up on looks to care whether the guy can be the man in a relationship by providing for his family, and that women generally only care if men are employed and not living at home with mommy! I say this only because more and more these days women are taking the role of men in the provider function so it really makes no difference to us if he makes alot of money unless of course you count gold diggers!!
I further stated that for me i go for the Pretty boy type normally. ya know the ones that are the players or the wanna bes who are really cocky and know what they want from a woman the typical bad boy with a baby face!! yep thats me STUPID!! i think i have doormat wriitten on my forhead! but hey i have broken the cycle with the current Bf who is the provider type and not much in the looks department but he is gorgeous to me and has tons of sex appeal!
WHat i wanna know from you ladies is your Type typically and what you think is societies type as a whole !
thanks for your input
For everything there is a neverending cycle- birth, death, rebirth.
Evil can and will not exist without good and visa versa.
You also reap what you sew. There is a sliver of truth in every saying -those are a few!!