- Bigotry is a part of human nature. So long as people are able to form their own opinions, bigotry will exist in some form or another, and on a very large scale.
- In the context of the question, we can consider religion to be a set of one's most intimate and fervent beliefs - ones that we would die to protect, or kill to enforce. In this way, religion is not that much different from, say, nationalism, where "My Country is the Best Country," or from many other beliefs that we hold. Someone might fervently believe hotdogs to be the best food in the world, and while I hope they would not kill someone simply for disagreeing, the underlying principle is the same. It is simply a matter of severity.
- In short, everyone has their own beliefs, not all of which coincide, and some of which are in direct opposition to each other. Regardless of what these beliefs are related to, if one is serious enough about his beliefs then conflict and bloodshed is likely to result.
Sure I have a heart; it's floating in a jar in my closet, along with my tonsils, my appendix, and all of the other useless organs I ripped out.
Last edited by Kyo; 12-02-2003 at 07:14 AM..