Location: Don't worry about it.
Ok computer guru's, fix this networking issue.. (Lengthy, but really need the help)
I'm pretty computer savvy, and I'm totally stumped, I still have a few ideas, but lets see what I get here.
Last saturday night I hosted a small lan party. All 4 of my machines were working just great, in harmony, the router was working well, switch, everyones machine, the lan was perfect.
Monday morning, I get up. Try to get on the net, to no avail. Ok, no biggie, start trouble shooting. Type in to get into the router..... Well, wtf, I can't get into it, the router info doesn't even come up. Ok, maybe it's this machine. So I go into my "vault" and get 2 more machines, and get the exact same thing. wtf is going on here?
Day goes by, I get frustrated dealing with it, so later that night, I go back and start over, get to the same point. So I decide well, let me see if i can get on the net. I go to look at my IP address, it's a 169.xxx.xx.xxx, which the network card gives out. The router isn't giving IP numbers. That's odd, I unhook it, load up my PPPoE software for my DSL, (Yes, alaska ISP's blow serious ass). I load it up, I get an error telling me my network card is a device that cannot bind an IP to it. Well, easy fix right, sounds like a network card problem. Hardly. I switch the cards out, with 2 other cards, and my onboard network card. Same thing, on all the cards. I try another computer. SAME thing on another computer. So I put all the cards back in they're respective machines, and go to bed.
Next day, I get up, start fiddiling with it some more. I walk in the next room, low and behold.. My brother and his friend are playing Quake 3 over the network, through the router. Wow, it's fixed itself? Not really. I go back to my machine, and start playing again with the router, I STILL can't get in, each machine has a 169.xxx IP number. I load up quake and try it, and wallah, I can get on the server through the router. I unhook the DSL modem, maybe that's what screwing it up, since the send/recive lights are constantly on. Nope, I unhook the modem, 3 green lights, maybe it's the router? Nope, I try again to install PPPoE and I get an error, I hook the modem back to the router, turn all the machines OFF, and all the lights are solid red/yellow (On my modem that's data transfer.)
So, any ideas as to what the problem could be? I thought maybe a virus, but Norton didn't come up with anything. I get the same errors with ALL the NIC's I own, on all the computers. I cannot connect to the net without the router either, I get an error. With the router, same thing, but no error. I'm assuming because it's finding a network, but that's odd, because the router isn't assigning IP adresses. PLUS I can't get in the fucking thing.
Any ideas? Somthing I'm over looking?
I have no fucking clue, I'm about to find some C4 and go to work on these damn things.