People view me as unempathetic constantly. Mostly because im a strict pragmatist at times. When there is a problem I look for solutions not consolation. I also deal with personal pain myself and cant always understand why people cant just get over theirs. At the same time, I keep a lot of things bottled up and have to battle those demons constantly. I used to be EXTREMELY empathetic as a child but I got tired of feeling everyone’s pain so I shut myself off from it and internalized my pain as well. Then I got so focused on not feeling pain that I find it impossible to empathize often even when I really do care for the person. I show that I care through action, not empathy. I walk straight into hell guns blazing if someone I cared about was in trouble, but I find it nearly impossible sometimes to dry a tear. Dont be too hard on yourself. Being empathetic for me is often more about figuring out what would make that person feel better and doing it, not so much out of natural empathy but because you care enough to make that person want to feel better. I had to actually sit people down and ask when you are crying or upset what do you want me to do because I honestly didnt know.
Our culture is over-empathetic. Were supposed to care about every starving child or homeless puppy in the world. I take the animal kingdom as my teacher. Animals kill and see death all the time but they understand it as the cycle of life and are no preoccupied by it. Not everyone shares my view so to them I do what I can to make them feel better even though on an intellectual level I just dont get why they are crying.
I know Nietzsche doesnt rhyme with peachy, but you sound like a pretentious prick when you correct me.