If you live in a metropolitan area, you should go online and contact the fleet/internet department of all the local chevy dealerships and request a quote for the exact car (model and features) you want to purchase. This is the easiest way to figure the lowest price your area will sell one for. Hell, even if you don't live in a metropolitan area, you should still do this, but it is extremely effective in the Bay Area and LA, you will end up at or under invoice before rebates. Once you have the quotes, contact the salesperson you liked and see if he can match the best offer, if he can go to him and buy it, if not (which is a good possibility) then go to the person who made you the offer and buy it.
side note: The offer should include the VIN of the car (or it is worthless) and price of the car including destination and all fees. The offer might be "plus fees," in which case you should get a break down in writing of the fees before you go into the dealership.
This is why it is easier to buy a new car than a used.
If you want me to look over any offers you recieve, let me know and I will make sure everything is on the up and up.