Well ... me and "my mate" got on the piss together last night, and we discussed stuff, he was really sorry about it all and has realized what he did (he actually started crying full on) and said how he's fucking so many people over and he wonders why i wasnt bashing him and calling him names etc..
Then she rang, she was POSITIVE to being pregnant, she has arranged for an abortion on thursday.. then has agreed to see me on Thursday to talk about things (same day, so she is going to be really vulnrable which I will feel bad about... but it's the only time she will see me) On the phone she said that "I'm not keeping it, so it doesn't concern you" so she was practically saying that I have no involvement in the whole thing... he is paying for it, driving her there, she is staying at his place wed/thursday... then he will take her home on friday morning b4 he goes to work.. and he promised to me "I won't see her physically, in person anymore after this - it's for best, for me, for you, for her, for my ex, for my friends - I can't belive what I have done, I Just feel like she needs help now.. so I will help her, and I will still talk to her, just not see her" so yeah.. I belive him, he really wants to fix things...
SO things are looking up, but are looking down too - I guess we shall see what happens
Thanks for your help everyone, I think that things are going to be okay... I am a smart guy and I'm not going to say anything to upset her, even though I want to... but yeah ;(
