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Old 11-30-2003, 11:01 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA
No difference. One cannot bridge from date into SO unless they are a friend. Not just any friend. A true friend.

I've dated so many guys that were excellent dates. Excellent people to talk to, could see myself moderately to exceptionally happy with for the rest of my life... except for one thing. I didn't know how well they would get along with my friends. Once I started questioning that aspect of their personality, I knew it was over.

This is a topic that's super dear to my heart, and here's why:

My friends are my friends. End of story. We have been friends for the majority of our lives, and those who have not are quickly enough assimilated into the group that it is as though we had met years before.

We are not "normal" people. We are geeks, nerds, crazies, outcasts... whatever you care to call us. Each unique and as anti-pop culture as it gets. For this reason there are some people who are simply uneasy in the same room with us when we're together.

Maybe it has something to do with our geeky conversation topics. Or perhaps the openness we share without the aid of alcohol. Maybe it's Lindsay over there the couch coming in and out of seizures every so often, jumping right back into the conversation as though nothing happened. Maybe it's the fact that we tickle. Or that some of us are uncannily good at pool. OR it just could be because we're DIFFERENT. Noticeably DIFFERENT and happy about it.

In any case, if a man can't survive the embrace and love of my friends, they cannot survive the years at my side. Hal has been my friend since the seventh grade. He will remain my friend until the day I die. He will be my lover and my everything until he chooses otherwise. He has chosen eternal love. I only trust he will deliver.
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