Well one of my mates today... told me that he has been spending "quality time" with my ex, taking her to the pictures etc and spending time with her "just as close friends"
She doesn't speak to me anymore - I tried to fix things, but nooooooooo, guess it was a vicious break up.. I tried to fix things and stuff..
He told me that they have been doing things together, because he wanted to help her etc..
How should I take this?
it really pisses me off... but I am sort of glad that he is doing that, well I dunno really.. confused (and sorta drunk heh)
She is moving a bazillion miles away next year, and he said that nothing more will become of it.. but we know how things go when people spend "quality time" with one another, he is like 5 years older than the two of us..
I dunno how to go about it, Febuary i'm meant to be going to a concert with him and stuff, but on the other hand, I don't want to I want to tell him to get fuckd and stuff... but I Dunno how I should take it.. I know that they can do what they want... but it just feels wrong..
Someone tell me how I should feel and i'll try to adapt