Damn dog saw a squirrel on the front lawn and tried to go right through the bay window to get it! Glass everywhere! And the blood!?!? Jehosaphat H. Chriminey! What a friggin' mess! And the old lady's out of town, so guess who gets to clean all of that crap off of the rug? That is AFTER I get home from takin' the DAMN DOG to the vet to get stitched up! And the GLASS! It's everywhere! And it's COLD in here, DAMMIT! There ain't no Home Depot open at this time of night!
HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGY (literally) IN THE WINDOW??? Come and GET her, dammit! She's all yours!
(Although, she sure looks awful stoopid with that idiotic cone thing around her neck. Kinda funny watchin' her trying to nip at her stitches. Besides, the old lady DOES like her a little bit.)
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"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard