There are a lot of reasons why she might like you, but might not want a relationship right now. Just because you're there doesn't mean it has anything to do with you! It could be that she wants to focus on other things - herself, school, career, whatever. It could be that she has some emotional "work" to do before she feels ready for a relationship. It could be that she's not ready to settle down. If you really like her, take what she's willing to offer, no strings attached. Hang out with her, enjoy being with her, and if she decides she wants a boyfriend, great, you're right there. Meantime, you go about living your life, meeting people, enjoying yourself. It's hard to be in an "undefined" relationship like that, but you have to ask yourself: do you want to push her for exclusivity at the risk of alienating her or making her do something she doesn't really want/isn't ready for; or are you willing to let things be the way they are in exchange for the pleasure of her company?
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France