Well dude, sounds like my Ex-Wife. If she is *that* angry about something simple such as this, either she herself is guilty of cheating in the past, or has seriously thought about it recently. If she refuses to listen, or understand, I say just forget it. If you guys have been off and on for a year, call it off. Love should not mean being subjective to beatings. Next time she does this, call the cops man. The cops may give you a funny look, but I did nothing, and my Ex-Wife (at the time) ended up chasing me around with a steak knife for not emptying the dishwasher. Her behavior was strikingly similar to what is happening to you. After the divorce, I really found out what had been going on. In hind sight, I should have called the cops, would have put me in a better place currently. My new wife is NOTHING like my Ex, in any way. My relastionship is a cake-walk in comparison. Sure we have disagreements, but they are civil. I say if you are gonna stay with her, talk to her about her anger problem,if she attacks again, call the cops man. If you talk to her about her anger problem, and she acts the same or starts the abuse again, call the cops and DITCH HER. Love is love, actions show it, words are meaningless.
...a wandering soul...