Sometimes no matter how much two people care about each other they are just incompatible at that point in their lives. I was in a relationship once where the highs were the greatest days of my life and the lows were the pits of hell. We loved each other like one couple every lifetime has the chance to but we realized that we were killing each other. We had to break up to allow for us to grow personally.
Thats an extreme case but the principle is the same. If you are not compatible you may just have to accept it. Try to talk it out and work it out first but if its the everyday things that cause the fights and not out of the ordinary incidents it usually points to incompatibility which will require one or both of you to make changes in who they are and how they operate. This can be done but be careful that it doesnt lead to resentment down the road as a consequence.
I know Nietzsche doesnt rhyme with peachy, but you sound like a pretentious prick when you correct me.