Frequent Fighting--How do you know when to call it quits?
My gf of 1 year and I have been fighting a lot lately. I'd say almost on a daily basis. Now, 80% of the time she gets mad at me I can see it as justifiable ie I'm ignoring her or not calling her(shes kind of needy/high maintenance). Then there are some shady areas where she will go ballistic on me for: not helping her find a job, calling to tell her I will come over at 6 instead of 5, my friend saying we'll go on a double date then bailing on us(yes I take the brunt because he's MY friend).
Sometimes I wonder if we should be fighting about this or are there underlying issues/problems? For those of you who have frequently fought with their SO how do you deal with it and how do you know when it gets to the point that yeah you love them but it's too much to continue to stay with them in a relationship.