I don't think that Aziz is a "terrorist". Call him a survivor, or a manipulator, a talking head, a spin doctor, but terrorist probably won't fit. Aziz is probably, outside of Saddam, the best known Iraqi figure simply because of the exposure he has gotten as the official voice of Iraq on many occasions. He is intelligent, well educated, and probably knows a lot of things we would like to know. I believe he should be milked for everything that can be wrung out, cajoled out, or scared out of him. Promise him whatever he wants because there is no place on earth that will ever be safe for him. Probably the only way he can survive is in a maximum security prison, isolated from the rest of the world. He is a source of information - I believe we should take every advantage of that source possible.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!