A few(very few) people have hormonal issues or medical problems with losing weight. That does not excuse the other 95% of the fat people. I don't got around attcking fat people, but if someone tries to use their weight as an excuse than I will call them on it. Diet and exercise are the key. Its hard for you? so what. Work harder. You can always find someone who has an advantage over you. Doesn't mean that you quit. Some people have a faster metabolism? they are lucky. You must do more work. And fat people are not a racial category. You are not born fat. You become fat. If I eat Indian food all my life, my pale Irish skin will not turn the color of curry and saffron. If I eat fat all of my life, I will get fat. One more thing, for those who say you can't lose weight. Do you see fat people on the news in war-torn countries and in areas of famine? No, because those people are in a calorie deficit. You can lose weight, if you are willing to go into calorie deficit.