Originally posted by Ooja Nikaboloko
1.controls - well, if your a FF fan controls arent a problem...
2.combat - same as above , just same as FF games on ps1/ps2
Some things do not scale very well to a mmorpg, and the typical FF control/combat system seems to me like it would be one of htem (two of them, actually).
Originally posted by Ooja Nikaboloko
3. xp loss?? what do ya want .. a game with no consequences..... go play an offline game then, MMORPGS arent for you obviously.
I played EQ for three years, and various other mmorpgs for short periods of time -- I don't mind consequences for dying, I just don't want to have to spend an hour killing the same shit over and over and over again just because my DSL went *blip* or something spawned on top of me.
Originally posted by Ooja Nikaboloko
But 30 servers, 3 more opening soon and THOUSANDS of people playing cant be wrong.
Millions of people voted for George W. Bush and Al Gore. That doesn't make them candidates for President that should be taken seriously.