Ok I'm going to have to jump in on Plan9's side here...
I don't use Ephedra on a regular basis, but when I hit a wall it pushed me past. It also accelerates weight loss in an obvious way.
The people that Ephedra "killed" did nothing of the sort. Those idiots, like the baseball player, was wearing a sweat bag in the summer sun, was overweight and out of shape, hung over, AND had taken 2-3'x the recommended dosage before he died. He probably would of died either way!
You'll find ANY report on Ephedra "killing people" saying that the person took more than they should of. I won't go into the whole medicine industry conspiracy thing here, but it's definetely in the paranoid patterns.
Creatine has had no studies saying it's bad for you. It's a natural substance you already produce yourself.
As far as I'm concerned, thanks to help of Ephredra, Creatine and Muscle Milk Protein, I was able to cut down on red meats, lose weight, gain muscle (Yes, at the same time!), lower my cholesterol, lower my blood pressure, and drop 50 pounds while adding 180lbs to my bench.