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Old 11-14-2003, 07:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
Nothing works for me anymore?!?

Ok, here's the deal. About a year and a half ago, I was really over weight, and I lost over 50 pounds over the course of a year by taking Xenadrine EFX for a few months and working out, then just working out after that and taking no supplements.

Right now I'm 160, and I'm pretty happy with my body, but I just can't seem to get that last bit of fat off, so I decided to try Ripped Fuel w/ ehpedra.

It's been about a month now, and I haven't noticed anything. I remember when I took the Xenadrine EFX it gave me a lot of energy, but I'm not feeling anything with this stuff and it's supposed to be more potent than the X. EFX since it has ephedra.

I even looked on epinions.com and read people's reviews. Everyone says it gave them lots of energy and even so much that their hands shake! Me.. I got nothin. Maybe it's because I've always had a lot of energy anway??

But still I can't seem to lose that last bit of fat.. I do a lot of cardio and regular weight lifting, and I haven't really changed at all in the last two months.

Last edited by a1t3r3g0; 11-14-2003 at 09:36 PM..
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Old 11-14-2003, 08:39 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Remember that you can't rely on fat burners alone. They are to be coupled with lots of exercise.

I am not a fan of fatburners especially because they can promote catabolism, but give VPX Liquid clenbutrx a try. Seems to be the best right now. You can even talk to the health store and ask them about stacking Absolved with VPX Liquid clenbutrx. The best working fatburner ever was when you stacked Ephedrine/Caffeine, but that was before the ephedra ban .

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 11-14-2003 at 08:42 AM..
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Old 11-14-2003, 09:35 AM   #3 (permalink)
Oh believe me I exercise a lot! I do cardio (running and/or eliptical crosstrainer) 4 days a week and play racquetball for nearly 2 hours everyday.. and every other day I do weight lifting targeting different areas on different days.
I've been doing that for over 6 months now, and I only look marginally trimmer. I saw such a big change over the first year I have been exercising, now I feel like no matter how much I do, nothing changes.

I've got about 1.5 weeks worth of Ripped Fuel left over. I'll have to give VPX Liquid clenbutrx a try once it's gone.
a1t3r3g0 is offline  
Old 11-16-2003, 10:52 PM   #4 (permalink)
i saw a ripped fuel botle, had like 30 grams of carbs... way to much to get all lean. dont trust the label, trust the ingredients
thegreek is offline  
Old 11-20-2003, 05:25 PM   #5 (permalink)
Ripped Fuel is more for working out WITH the supply of energy provided in the supplement.

If you want an Euphedra-based product, I highly recommend good ol Stacker 2 or my personal favorite, Lipo 6.

Lipo6 is a nice steady increase in energy, it has no fall off when it wears out, either. No shaky hands. Good stuff.
EleqTrizi'T is offline  
Old 11-20-2003, 10:08 PM   #6 (permalink)
Ya know, I just came on here to say that it is indeed working now... and that I should rememer to never take it as late as 8:30PM again because I cannot for the live of me fall asleep!!!
a1t3r3g0 is offline  
Old 11-21-2003, 01:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
Oh man no offense here but if you can't do it naturally don't do it at all. Taking drugs like that doesn't help you at all man, they may make you feel like you have more energy and such but they really just mess your body up in the long run. If you're doing all this working out and eating properly thats all you have to do to lose that weight! Don't take all this crap it's only hurting you, and most things like Ripped Fuel might have weight gainers in them, which doesnt help either!

If you keep taking pills you get the mentality that you can't do anything alone, you have to get "help" Just work out like you've been doing, and eat properly and you'll see results.

Some peoples body's are different too, some people will NEVER be huge and ripped, even if they are stronger than 90% of people out there. Just face it, thats who you are, don't use stuff to make you bigger!

AHhhhh i just hate it when people have to take supplements to get bigger or lose weight, just shows that they don't have a strong enough will to do it on their own! Ahhh no offense dude this is just a long standing thing with me
Rudel73 is offline  
Old 11-21-2003, 02:32 PM   #8 (permalink)
Well, when I first started I took weight loss supplements for 3 months, then did it "on my own" for over a year with great sucsess, but I hit a stump and now I'm using supplements again with no complications and positive benefits.

I'm not going to argue with you anymore than that, because you won't change my mind, and I know people like you won't change theirs.

Last edited by a1t3r3g0; 11-21-2003 at 02:34 PM..
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Old 11-21-2003, 03:12 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Rudel73
Some peoples body's are different too, some people will NEVER be huge and ripped, even if they are stronger than 90% of people out there. Just face it, thats who you are, don't use stuff to make you bigger!

I could not begin to tell you how ignorant you are about the "big" or "ripped" guys you see. Genetics is not a glass ceiling in the world of fitness and bodybuilding.

AHhhhh i just hate it when people have to take supplements to get bigger or lose weight, just shows that they don't have a strong enough will to do it on their own! Ahhh no offense dude this is just a long standing thing with me
Pray tell what exactly is wrong with taking supplements to help you get healthy, im dying to hear how you can explain why it is weak to take them. Do you even understand what supplements are?
Plan9Senior is offline  
Old 11-23-2003, 10:23 AM   #10 (permalink)
Plan9, taking creatine or celtec etc has been proven to be unhealthy, and only messes you're body and mind up in the long run. Nothing wrong with natural supplements, i.e. protein but things made only to make you look big is not what i call "healthy".

Creatine is the opposite of healthy. I've always had a thing against those kinds of supplements because people these days can't accept that they aren't big, so they go take crap like creatine to make it look their big and buff for the ladies.

I don't know i cant explain it but doing crap like that isn't healthy at all.
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Old 11-23-2003, 11:34 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Rudel73
Plan9, taking creatine or celtec etc has been proven to be unhealthy, and only messes you're body and mind up in the long run. Nothing wrong with natural supplements, i.e. protein but things made only to make you look big is not what i call "healthy".

Creatine is the opposite of healthy. I've always had a thing against those kinds of supplements because people these days can't accept that they aren't big, so they go take crap like creatine to make it look their big and buff for the ladies.

I don't know i cant explain it but doing crap like that isn't healthy at all.
Actually, there has been only proof that it is beneficial and good for you. Not sure what you are talking about, but I would like you to explain I think you are a tad misinformed.

Not only has it been found to be good for you physically, they just found that it is beneficial for your brain, intelligence, and memory as well. Just a few links --> http://www.life-enhancement.com/arti...ate.asp?ID=880


Last edited by Plan9Senior; 11-23-2003 at 11:43 AM..
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Old 11-23-2003, 11:54 AM   #12 (permalink)
Plan9 NO studies have been made on the long term effect of the product. For all we know it could be worse than smoking down the road, short term effects are nice but you have no idea what it will do to you in the long run.
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Old 11-23-2003, 01:39 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Rudel73
Plan9 NO studies have been made on the long term effect of the product. For all we know it could be worse than smoking down the road, short term effects are nice but you have no idea what it will do to you in the long run.
First off, I did not say any long term studies have been done. You were the one who claimed that it was bad for you ----->
Originally posted by Rudel73
Plan9, taking creatine or celtec etc has been proven to be unhealthy, and only messes you're body and mind up in the long run.
Studies so far have shown it to be very beneficial, and as for long term affects...well... being that creatine is a normal and natural amino acid that we usually get through the consumption of red meats. I don't think they will be finding it to be harmful in the future, but I guess only time will tell.

Oh, and I am still curious as to how you believe it messes up your mind or body.

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 11-23-2003 at 01:41 PM..
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Old 11-23-2003, 06:13 PM   #14 (permalink)
An embarrassment to myself and those around me...
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Creatine is something that is naturally produced by your body. I'm not saying it's good but its not necessarilly bad either.

As far as all these things go, I wouldn't try any of them. Ephedra has been known to kill people, and there is a reason it is getting banned in various states of the US. You're also pretty likely to have rebound weight gain once you go off the stuff. I hate to say it but the best method of weight loss is slow and steady with diet and exercise. The slower you lose it, the more likely you are to keep it off.
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
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Old 11-23-2003, 09:34 PM   #15 (permalink)
You can try upping your level of potassium. It will pull the sodium out of your system and hold the water in your muscles to keep you hydrated.

If the muscle is there and you're just lacking definition, try rubbing preparation H on that particular area. It helps to draw water away from that particular area, and is an old bodybuilder trick.
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Old 11-23-2003, 11:10 PM   #16 (permalink)
Ok I'm going to have to jump in on Plan9's side here...

I don't use Ephedra on a regular basis, but when I hit a wall it pushed me past. It also accelerates weight loss in an obvious way.

The people that Ephedra "killed" did nothing of the sort. Those idiots, like the baseball player, was wearing a sweat bag in the summer sun, was overweight and out of shape, hung over, AND had taken 2-3'x the recommended dosage before he died. He probably would of died either way!

You'll find ANY report on Ephedra "killing people" saying that the person took more than they should of. I won't go into the whole medicine industry conspiracy thing here, but it's definetely in the paranoid patterns.

Creatine has had no studies saying it's bad for you. It's a natural substance you already produce yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, thanks to help of Ephredra, Creatine and Muscle Milk Protein, I was able to cut down on red meats, lose weight, gain muscle (Yes, at the same time!), lower my cholesterol, lower my blood pressure, and drop 50 pounds while adding 180lbs to my bench.
EleqTrizi'T is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 06:59 AM   #17 (permalink)
Originally posted by EleqTrizi'T
The people that Ephedra "killed" did nothing of the sort. Those idiots, like the baseball player, was wearing a sweat bag in the summer sun, was overweight and out of shape, hung over, AND had taken 2-3'x the recommended dosage before he died. He probably would of died either way!

You'll find ANY report on Ephedra "killing people" saying that the person took more than they should of. I won't go into the whole medicine industry conspiracy thing here, but it's definetely in the paranoid patterns.
Exactly what I was going to say. All these deaths that make the news are from unhealthy people with existing medical conditions who overdose on it and/or use it for longer ammounts of time than they should.
It clearly says on the bottle do not take if blah blah, and do not take more than blah blah for blah blah ammount of time, and to stop taking if you experience any blah blah.
I have none such blah blah - why not take it??
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Old 11-24-2003, 09:49 AM   #18 (permalink)
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raeanna74's Avatar
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Ephedra type drugs were actually removed from OTC medications because it had been shown to cause siezures, strokes, and aggravate some conditions that people weren't even aware of.

"All these deaths that make the news are from unhealthy people with existing medical conditions who overdose on it and/or use it for longer ammounts of time than they should." NOT True

Check this out - http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/ds-ephe2.html

Just be careful. If you notice ANY problems. Including the shaking hands and other neurological problems then I would cease taking it. My suggestion is to go along with your healthy eating and excecise regimin. If you are doing any body building then you aren't going to loose the weight as quickly possibly because you aren't just loosing fat but gaining muscle. Any weight loss takes time. Congrats on loosing what you have so far. Good Job.
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Old 12-02-2003, 01:09 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: All up in it...
All of the OTC supplements have pretty muched pulled Ephedra from their formulas, including Xenadrine nads HydroxyCut. I improvise and make my own cocktail before a workout by taking a Bayer aspirin, 200 mg caffiene, and 20 MG ephedra (found in mini-thins, yellow jacket, etc). Synergistically, this is pretty much the same compound that used to be found in the OTC supplments.

All you nay-sayers will say this will kill me, but I've been taking supplements such as this for years and it hasn't killed me yet (cough, cough, hack, hack, hack...) Besides, everybody has to die from something and I figure the bourbon will get me first.

I agree with whoever said it --- there is nothing wrong with taking supplements to help you achieve your goals. I have taken stuff long ago that goes beyond being "supplements" and I would not reccomend that to anyone. The gains you make with anabolic substances disappear pretty fast once you stop taking them. So unless you plan on doing it for the rest of your life, don't even go there.
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Old 12-04-2003, 01:32 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Location: under the freeway bridge
low carb and the ECA stack ....ephedra, caffeine and aspirin really worked for me....I lost 70 pounds in just under 6 months...admittedly I gained no muscle mass from lo carbing but the fat just fell off.....
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Old 12-07-2003, 09:46 AM   #21 (permalink)
A Storm Is Coming
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Location: The Great White North
I can't figure out the take a pill mentality of today. If a pill does work, it only does so while you are taking it. There is a thing call genetics.... understand that and you'll go a long way to being realistic about what you can do with your body.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.

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Old 12-12-2003, 12:04 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Anchorage Alaska
My friend mentioned about taking some kinda powder tonight...I forget the name, we were talkin about lifting weights and how I told him I needed a good plan cuz I wanted to look good in UnderArmor by summer time.
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is a man who has so much as to be out of danger?
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fuel, ripped, work

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