Thread: Marriage
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Old 11-22-2003, 01:43 PM   #38 (permalink)
Pasture Bedtime
Originally posted by txlovely
Marriage shows maturity. That you are willing to promise yourself unconditionally to another person because you love them that much. It takes a big person to enter into a an infinite union. I don't think that people who live together love each other any less than those who have gotten married, but I think marriage is just one more step up the ladder. No one ever said making a commitment is easy, but keep in mind how it's much easier to walk away when you aren't legally binding. Commitment is everything when you're thinking long-term.
It's true that an "infinite union" is a big step to take, but I disagree that it's a display of maturity. Cynth said that many immature people are married. The logical corollary to that is: isn't it sometimes more mature to NOT get married? You can be in love with someone and enjoy the current state of your relationship with them, and still decide together that a permanent union, at least for the time being, would be a bad decision.
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