a) I'm not looking for free but would like to keep it down to $100 a year or so. I *need* 500 megs of server space but would like more. I guess I need 30 gigs of transfer/month, possibly more as well.
b) I've been getting about 100 unique visitors a day this month and averaging 1 gig of transfer a day. The site is 100% pictures, thousands of them. I've looked at my logs but didn't see anything suspicious (not that I would necessarily know if something was). Any hints about what to look for?
I'm in the process of compressing my full-sized jpegs down to save on disk space. I don't think this will help much on bandwidth since the user has to go past a big thumbnail and then an intermediate size to get to them. The intermediate pictures that would seen most often are about 50k each.