Ok, this isn't all girls. This is girls who DO date immediately after a breakup, those that stay crushed are very different indeed.
Girls who date immediately after a breakup almost never have any interest in the guys.
They tend to have lots of little dates with many different guys. The main reasons I have found are as follows:
1) They want to re-assert their sexual power. They are attractive and they simply use these men for free drinks/dinner/movies just to convince themselves they can do this again. If not it's an excuse to get out of the house.
2) Because they are single again, plain and simple, they can.
Dont worry about it, the first 3-6 men they go out with mean nothing to them. During this grace period they are actually thinking of YOU on the dates. If you want her back this is the time, if not you should care less. About the 4-6th man is the one who actually sparks her interest. By then she has gotten over you and see's him as an actual person, not you or some "guy".