Originally posted by SuperMidget
I am probably going to be the lone wolf on this, but I have to say I don't like this. Sure it's great for consmers but the tech's get screwed.
This is gonna be a nightmare for telco employees. (I used to be one until I was switched over to the CATV side. Granted I was only a permanent/temporary employee. Family business don't ask, it was complicated.) The reprogramming of the switches alone will cause quite a bit of time to be lost. I am not happy about this one bit. Granted it has always been possible but never very practical.
For local exchanges if this happens often, you will see rates increase due to the increased man hours in switching numbers.
You aren't the lone wolf. I work at a telephone company who doesn't totally screw the customer. We've got companies from Cali to Maine(not verizon either) and this will be devestating, because we aren't in the cell phone market. Our parent company owns U.S. Cellular but that won't help us because each company is basically independant. We've already been hammered by cell phones, and according to an article I read on my works intranet(sorry can't link to it) the fcc wants ALL numbers to be portable throughout the country. Prefixes wouldn't matter anymore and such. I agree that Cell phone numbers should be portable, because you can't say this prefix is generally in this or that state.
But if you have landlines from New Hampshire getting put in Cali, that's really gonna screw with peoples head.
I don't really think this is going to help anyone because costs are going to raise all over the telecomm spectrum to pay for this "portability" and to make up for lost profits. You'll also see no more local companies because you'll get some cell phone company to move into an area, lower cell service in that area, kill the landline company, then raise the price.
No sir, I don't think this is good at all.