I would have to agree about you needing to just be comfortable about yourself first. That's the big thing to any relationship...girls don't like guys whom are insecure about themselves. Be confident! Everyone has they're special qualities about them whether you see them or not. The best way to start a relationship is become good friends. First start talking with them, the best way to do that, if you're not the type that can just walk up to a girl and start a convo (like myself), is find someone you may work with or have classes with or somewhere you may come across a person more than one occasion and just talk about what you may have in common, why you are in that place. Once you get the first talk down it's soo much easier, trust me! Go out a couple of times just as friends, a movie or even just a walk or trip to the mall does great. Show that person who you really are when you can be alone with them. Then from that point you should have lil clues as to whether the person is actually interested in you or not and that's when you decide do I go on with this and go after a relationship? or just keep it at friends? But the best relationships usually come from being friends first cause you can build the trust up first. But I'm gonna leave it at this again, JUST BE YOURSELF!!
"Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to!"