We are in an age group, surrounded by individuals that are still seeking out what their true sexual identity is. They, therefore, feel that it is necessary to put on a show of their comparitively "superior" sexuality in order to compensate for their own insecurities. I've seen it a thousand times where men, in particular, but on aires of Don Juan promescuity to disguise their own, usually unfounded, fears of homosexuality within themselves. These individuals generally see the error in their own ways in a few years, usually after securing their own sexual identity and losing the preprogrammed television machismo. Don't sweat it, supersix, there are plenty of other people (including women) that are looking at life in the same fashion as yourself. I'd hazard a guess to say that you are, in fact, more MATURE then your age-group peers and not lacking, in any fashion, of sexual drive. Let things happen naturally and brush aside the assertions and actions of your hall mates. They are forcing their overt heterosexuality on you in an attempt to gel their own opinions.
Last edited by tritium; 11-20-2003 at 09:45 PM..