Don't blame it on the weed.
If you are to enter a room there is a very good chance that the vast majority of people in that room will *atleast* glance in your general direction. If you are wearing somethnig or doing something that catches their eye they may look longer than a glance, thus increasing your chances for eye-contact. If you're in the woods with no one around it can be a common thing to maybe feel uncomfortable or that some "killer" is hiding in the woods ready to jump out at you.. thats more natural instinct.
It's way too easy to blame it on the weed. Sure you may feel a little paranoid while smoking or on weed... but thats just because you're afraid you'll get caught... thats it. Any person you see has the potential to turn you in to the police/your parents/your teacher. Risking getting thrown into jail can make anyone a little paranoid.
We Must Dissent.