Elven Stronghold (Act Fast!)
Are you tired of living in the socitity as it stands today?
Do you wish to live in a different place, or time far away from cars. stress, and moronic assholes?
Do you want to wear pointy ears?
I am joining together a band of rugged adventurers to start a new civilization, loosely based on the city of Rivendell from the J.R.R Toiken Clasic The Lord Of The Rings!
Together we will build a thriving city deep in the forest of... somewhere... yet to be determined.
If you feel you are up to this challenge, drop me a line here and I will assertain if you have the skill and desire to become a part of this soon to be legendary undertaking.
P.S. also, I am taking suggestions for the name of this city at this time, so act fact and get in on the groud floor!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.