RHCE (red hat cert) i am getting ready to start a class for this "Program"
But even though i am going for programing and red hat is very Programming Friendly. How will this benifit me, if i want to go into a more Windows enviroment?
I am currently studing as well, to get my MCSE and be another DIME A DOZEN unable to find a job LOL.
of course more certs and more Education can always be helpfull.
Basically: I want to get my MCSE but i have a RHCE class at t he same time....
Should I:
1) Study BOTH and get both exams? <-- How will this help?
2) Just get my MCSE and just pass the RHCE class?
thanks in Advance
P.S. i did a search for RHCE and all i could find was