Goppers --- well, the first problem with the C's and B's is that damn Fleet Center. I grew up in Southie and going to the old Garden was so much better than luxury seating, etc. That's the first problem embracing the Bruins.
The second is the partly due to the trap but mainly due to the clutching and grabbing; something Mario Lemieux left the sport because of. One would think that the league would try to crack down on this shit and give their stars some breathing room. Imagine how frustrating baseball would be to watch if Johnny Damon or Trot Nixon had to try to catch a ball while a 250 lb goon is on their back; it would suck. Although and extreme comparison, that's what's going on in hockey.
Hockey used to be a great sport to watch from start to finish, but lately I usually only dedicate myself to watch during the playoffs now.