Comes from personal experience. My ex-boyfriend decided to date (fuck) another girl while I was still with him. Now, he got away with it because he was still in college in Viriginia while I had moved back home to New York. Anyway, when he came up to visit me for New Years (I paid for his ticket) he planned to break up with me....
Long story short, we got in a car wreck and the day I got out of the hospital he broke up with me. I was of course crushed. I didnt find out until months later that he had cheated on me. I'm glad it took that long to find out because if I had found out right away I would have been a serious mess.
Oh well, live and learn.
Jesus Pimp, I'm sure she isn't dating somebody else to make you angry. I hope not anyway. I really have no advice to give though.
And off topic... Guys, if you're going to break up with your long distance girlfriend, just do it over the phone. Don't let her buy you a ticket to visit when you plan all along to break up with her.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
Last edited by Averett; 11-18-2003 at 08:05 AM..