Women, or a life of accomplishment and money? I'm going to take the extreme view to put more force behind my point and assume the two are mutually exclusive (in real life they are not, of course).
So, assuming you can choose either romance or accomplishment, or just romance and money (let's be realistic here), I would choose money in a heartbeat. It would not even be a decision, really.
What does a woman get you? Sex. Emotional attachment. A sense of belonging. Love. Essentially useless, ephemeral things - with the exception of sex, which you can get without a commitment of any kind.
A job can get you a lot more. In fact, if you are good enough at it, it can get you everything up to and including women. Not women that love you, certainly, but if I could live a loveless life with all the money I could ever spend, I be a lot happier than the other way around.
As you add things like personal accomplishment and freedom to the scales, it makes the woman begin to seem less and less significant. There is so much you can do without a woman in your way. So much freedom when you are responsible only for yourself. There is already too much to do in life without having to worry about someone else.
It both disappoints me and scares me when I hear about what friends, both men and women, have given up for a significant other. People that have dropped everything - in one case even their life's dreams and hopes, just to be with their lovers. Why? Stupidity? Insanity? I don't know.
Join the Coast Guard. Develop character and skill. Save lives. Do something more meaningful with your life than chasing a faithless, disrespectful woman across the country.
Sure I have a heart; it's floating in a jar in my closet, along with my tonsils, my appendix, and all of the other useless organs I ripped out.