A question about religion.
I have been raised in a religous family but I myself do not believe in god. I also am willing to admit god does indeed exists but I just find it all a little hard to believe.
There has always been one thing that has really bothered my about the whole religion thing. How do you know you have the right religion? If you do have the right religion then where did the other ones come from? Say Christianity is the path to salvatino and Jesus died for all of our sins. If that is the case then where did the other religions come from. I'm sure there are tons of history to Muslim, Hindu, Buddist and all kinds of other religions but they are not right. Where did these religions come from? If they aren't the one true religion and yet millions of people belive in it then how do you know for sure that what you believe in is true. Some one must have made them all up since god didn't have anything to do with it. If someone can make up a religion and get millions of people to belive in it then how can you be sure your religion wasn't just made up by someone?