I know you will not want to hear this, but I think what happened is that you were taking her feelings from granted.
I went though hell just to understand such a basic concept. The worst 6 months of my life.
Its something like this:
She is your girlfriend and you expect allot from her. She has been there for a while and you guys had trouble every now and then. In the end you stayed together. After a while though people start to take this resilience and bond for granted. They forget that it is has limits. They forget that just because it is there, doesn’t mean it should be constantly tested. They begin to get comfortable with arguing, insulting, and not working things out.
Eventually all this spill over the brim. Both you and your partner end up wondering what the hell just happened. But that’s what happened. The dam is broken, and has to be re-built from the ground up. This usually equals all the time you have been together time two. It also takes the awareness of both partners. Its not easy and most couple never get back together after such an event. What is more unfortunate is that most people walk away from a relationship without realizing what happened.
To illustrate this. Notice how we don’t fight constantly with our close friends. If we did we would not be friend for long. We consider our friend’s feelings and care about how we are viewed in their eyes. Yet we see so many couples doing the exact opposite to each other.