I mean, she said she loved me... and she said she meant it etc... why is she just letting go like this
Someone can love you and still need to let go. It doesn't mean she was lying it just means it wasn't meant to be. I know that isn't a lot to hold on to right now, but love isn't the only thing that is needed to make a relationship work.
You may want to look at taking a break from her. Take some time off, keep seeing your Psychiatrist. Working on depression is hard, it's even harder after something like this. But he should be able to give you a hand. Give her some space for now, I'm not saying cut off contact, but cut it way down. Then in a little while, if you are ready, she may be ready again. She probably won't be able to switch her love on and off. So if you try again in a few months and show some improvement, she may be willing to try again.
I think you may need to tell yourself that if it is meant to be, it will work out in the end. Fighting for love is nice and romantic and worthwhile, but you have to know when to retreat and regroup. I think that might be what you need to do.
I know how hard it is to even think about taking a break from someone you love. It took me two months and I don't know how many posts on this message board to come to that conclusion. Talking to people will help you along. Not only friends, sometimes, with stuff like this it helps to talk to random strangers.
Also, just curious, how old are you?